Kündigung des Abos bei flirtfair.de

Auf unsere E-Mail haben wir als Antwort bekommen, dass wir ein Aktenzeichen der Strafanzeige mitteilen sollen und falls diese noch nicht gestellt wurde, dies zügig in die Wege zu leiten.
Und, was habe ich dir zuvor geschrieben? Wenn es nach denen ginge, würden die dich auch anweisen vom Berliner Fernsehturm zu hüpfen - würdest du das machen?
Doch die tappen zumeist im Dunkel, da IP-Adressen ihrem physikalischen Ursprung für solche Unternehmen nicht zuordenbar sind.

Was bedeutet denn nicht zuordenbar? Dass die IP nicht unbedingt von uns sein muss, oder dass jemand anderes unsere benutzt haben könnte? Ich wollte nämlich schon unseren Provider kontaktieren, dass er uns die von uns an dem Tag verwendete IP-Adresse mitteilen soll.

Und ich dachte übrigens immer wenn ein Richtiges Mahnverfahren der Klärung bedarf werden die Fristen ausgesetzt.
Mensch Neroki - wir machen den Sch... schon seit 10 Jahren mit.
Kannst uns schon glauben was wir schreiben.
Guck Dir mal die Threads über "flirtfever" und "flirtfair" an.
Meinst nicht daß wir das Rad nicht bei jedem neuen User neu erfinden müssen?
Es gibt keine langfristige Speicherung Deiner IP und sich bei flirtfair anzumelden ist kein Kapitalverbrechen
Also - keine IP, keine Zuordnung
Keine Zuordnung - kein Beweis möglich daß es eure IP war.
Feddisch, Ei drüber schlagen und sich von flirtfair gepflegt kreuz-, wahl-, leihweise oder wegen mir spiralförmig nachts im Mondschein besuchen lassen.

P.S. "Richtiges" Mahnverfahren = Mahnbescheid (siehe Link in der Signatur)
Hast Du schon von Schneestürmen in der Sahara gehört? Nein?
Und wir nicht von Mahnbescheiden von flirtfair und flirtfever ...
Und ich dachte übrigens immer wenn ein Richtiges Mahnverfahren der Klärung bedarf werden die Fristen ausgesetzt.
Das ist doch kein "richtiges" Mahnverfahren. Das sind typische mehr oder minder kreative Bemühungen Dich unter Druck zu setzen. Du hast Dich auf eine Brieffreundschaft eingelassen - Also lassen die Dich nur noch ungern von der Angel. Grundsätzlich solltest Du Dich fragen, warum Du überhaupt im Zugzwang bist. Schließlich habt ihr euer Geld noch und damit keinen Schaden.

Sorry for posting in English, though I'm from Sweden and got some questions about this.
I've been reading most of the comments by using google-translate, which isn't that good,
but I understand most of it. I can see the last post was Nov 4, but I hope someone will still answer
to this post.

I did the same thing as most here, paid for the test-membership.
(at their swedish site, singel-dejting.se, same as flirtfair.se/de)
I sent emails to them about quitting it and stop any renewal the very same day,
and the day after I got an confirmation mail saying:

'Hej käre medlem,

vi tackar för ditt meddelande och beklagar att du inte längre vill
vara medlem hos oss.

Härmed bekräftas uppsägningen av ditt abonnemang med löptid fram till

Du kan fram tills dess fullt ut utnyttja ditt medlemskap.


(It's in swedish, please use google-translate or something and I'm sure you will recognize it)

So, this is a confirmation from them saying they've stopped my test-membership and renewal.
Now I wonder if you know if there's anyone that have got this mail and confirmation, but still
has been told that their test-membership haven't been stopped in time and have to pay for the
full membership, etc.

Do I have to worry about that they haven't stopped my membership at all, or is it usually true
that after you've got the cancellation confirmed you shouldn't have to worry any more or hear
from them again? If they do, I know I've got the Swedish rules and laws on my side, since I got
proof /evidence that I did request a cancellation in time, etc.

Do I even have to answer them anything if they afterall would send me anything or is it just to ignore?
I know I can go against them all the way to the court if they send me any bill etc, and there I can prove
them wrong.

They got my firstname, surname, ip-address, e-mail and VISA-cardinfo (which I've blocked).
Do you know if they can find out any contact-info to me etc?

Anyway, the main thing - do you know about anyone having any trouble getting those mails about having to pay for full membership after getting the confirmation-mail from them or not?

Thank you very much for any answer!
I think in may be possible to get the information via your VisaCard but i´m not sure which they get on this way.
In the german legal situation you can lay back and do nothing, just take care of your bank/visa-account and order the money back if somebody trys to get it.
But we here don´t know the swedish law what happens when somebody brings you in a tricky contract. In Germany a tricky contract is not to be fullfilled but in Sweden?
If you would live here I would say: Lay back, have a coffee and feel good, and train a spamfilter ...

I know how to fight it if they would send me any bill, and they surely don't want to go to court with it,
which would be the 2nd, 3rd or 4th step of their try to get money from me. In court I will easily be able
to show them evidence (mail, etc.) about that I've sent messages to them in time for cancellation, got
a confirmation mail (even if it's automatic or not).

But what about people getting the confirmation-mail where they say they've stopped the subscription, etc,
do you know anyone on this forum, or elsewhere, that still has got the mails about having a full-membership and that they should have to pay for it?
Hm ...
They send mails/letters a long long time.
We call this system "Kalletaler Dreiueck"

Formulierungshilfe zum Geldeintreiben

Man nennt es auch: "Kalletaler Dreieck..."

letzte Mahnung
dringende Mahnung
letzte dringende Mahnung
allerletzte dringende Mahnung
allerallerletzte dringende Mahnung
allerallerletzte dringende Mahnung, sonst!
letzte Mahnung vor Einschaltung eines Vollstreckers
allerletzte Mahnung vor Einschaltung eines Vollstreckers
allerallerletzte Mahnung vor Einschaltung eines Vollstreckers
nun aber die letzte Mahnung vor Einschaltung des päpstlichen Femgerichts
nun aber die allerletzte Mahnung vor Einschaltung des päpstlichen Femgerichts
nun aber die allerallerletzte Mahnung vor Einschaltung des päpstlichen Femgerichts
wir wissen genau, wo Sie wohnen, wo Ihr Auto steht, und welchen Schulweg Ihre Tochter nimmt
und wenn Sie morgen noch nicht gestorben sind, so mahnen wir morgen und übermorgen auch noch
Fortsetzung folgt
Ok, sounds quite funny, but still, do they send this to the ones that have received a confirmation mail
that says they've stopped the subscription as well, or only to the ones that never stopped it in time?

That's all I want to know, what they do or what they write I don't care about, since I know they have to contact me through 3-4 steps, which finally will end in the Swedish Court where they won't go 99,9%.
And if they send me any threat or insulting I will just file a complaint to the Swedish Consumer Agency as well as the police, so that would also be nice. Perhaps I should take them to court, instead of them taking me.
I sue them on every dime they've got, then spend it on a big party with all you guys here! :)
I think for a finally secure information you should ask your swedish consumer agency or a swedish lawyer.
Btw - when you win - you come over to Germany to celebrate the party ;-)
What information do you mean that I should ask them about?

As I said, I've already been in contact with the Swedish Consumer Agency, and since I've followed the Terms of Service on the site, by contacting them in the way it says I have to, in time, and told them I wanted to stop the subscription etc, they won't be able to get any cash from me, they can send reminders and debt collectors to me, but I can dispute/deny this and in the end they have to sue me in the Swedish Court if they want it to go any further, and when I show my evidence there, it will be proven I am right and they are wrong, and therefore they won't be allowed to send me any more mails etc, about that I have to pay them.

And if they send me any mail or letters that could be taken as a threat, I will sue them, since I think it would be the same thing as blackmailing me, since they apparently don't have any reason to require money from me.

Still, haven't got an answer for my question, do they send this to the ones that have received a confirmation mail that says they've stopped the subscription as well, or only to the ones that never stopped it in time? YES or NO, do you know? :) Just interested in what I should expect.

Also, read someone wrote something about VAT (value-added tax).
Was it about that they didn't pay it, or anything like that?
Because then I'm quite sure I don't have to pay them anything either, by Swedish law.
Here we tell the users - don´t start a "letter-friendship" with any sites like flirtfever and their makers.
You should ask them about the legal rules what for example flirtfever has to fulfill to generate a real contract.
These rules can be different from the german (but I don´t believe)
So my advice - have a cup of coffee and feel well
Here we have the situation - whatever you write to flirtfever (or similar sites) - there is no difference whether you write a letter or you write the text of "Lords prayer" - you will get back text blocks.
And you should expect the "Kalletaler Dreieck" ...
So train your spamfilter and don´t worry about
Ok. So what about the things about VAT, as I explained in the post before?
And if I don't recall it wrong, I read something about them not being a registered company, or something like that?

Can you tell me what you know about that, and maybe a link about it, if you got any?
This I could show for my Customer Agency, would help a lot.

(And if anyone else is reading this, please feel free to fill me in by answering earlier posts)
If the contract-constuction of flirtfever/fair to make a contract is like in Germany you don´t need to spend any thought about VAT.
Normally there is legal NO contract and NO legal contract means you need not pay - thats all
About special rules what may be in Sweden diffrerent to the german law - you won´t get an answer in a german forum, for that you must contact a swedish lawyer.
There are links here about these themes >>> http://forum.computerbetrug.de/pages/wichtige_forenthemen/

Or can you try to explain what it is that makes the contract not legal in Germany, and I could ask about
the situation in Sweden to my Customer Agency?
One example is that you have as a customer the right to say "NO" within 14 days to a contract via internet WHEN you got a special information about this right.
Or - when the company trys to hide that you make a abo-contract when you click.
In the case of flirtfair they try to show that you make a test-abo and on the bottom of the site they write: "after 14 days you have an abo and you have to pay xxx€"
So the german law says: NO contract
Ok, so it's illegal that they put it out like this:

Testmembership 14 days, xxx€ - BASIC-package 2 months, xxx€
(then let you chose any of this, and then moves you to the payment window)

But somewhere down here on the first page they explained with a very small text that the
testmembership automatically turns into a BASIC-package if you don't stop the supscription within 13 days
and that the BASIC package automatically gets renewed every 2nd month.

Am I right?
I don´t know the swedish sites.
That you subscribe a contract was on the former german sites light grey on dark grey in 6 pt arial narrow ...
Hmm, ok, I don't think the Swedish site looks exactly the same with colours etc, but I think overall it's the same thing.
And another thing, while being on the payment-page, you can't open any Terms of Service to read and you never press anything
that says you agree with the Terms of Service/Terms of Use, right? I think this could possibly be something to take a look at..

Though it seems like 'you accept the Terms of Service/Terms of Use when you register your account', don't know if that makes it up.. I'll look it up anyway.

And I'm still a little bit curious on the thing if they're paying VAT or not,
and whether or not they have are a approved registered company or not?