Hallo in die Runde, ob sich hier ein Betrug anbahnt? Folgender Verlauf bisher:
Die Telefonnummer +1 209 989 3193
meldet sich per SMS auf eine ebay Kleinanzeige: Haben sie Ihre badezimmer noch zum Verkauf... kannst du mir eine E-Mail schicken
[email protected]
Nach kurzem hin- und her per E-Mail auf Englisch kam folgendes:
Thanks for your response. I'm satisfied with the condition and Agree with the price, I need to let you know that my shipping agent will be coming for the pick up as soon as the payment has been completed and approved by PayPal and the shipping agent will be the ones to help me handle all other necessary details to complete the deal when they get to your home address for the pick up. . So i'll be buying it without seeing it, i'll arrange the pick-up of it with a Private Courier Service as soon as you get your payment and if you don't have a account with paypal, its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on to www.paypal.com I need you to provide the following details so that i can proceed with the Payment...
Your PayPal e-Mail Address :
Your Full Name:
Your Mobile Number
Full Address:
Soon as i make the payment and you get the funds, the Courier Service will come for the pick up at your home at your convenient time.
Have a nice day.
Hi, may i ask where you live and/or what is the destination of these items
? Thanks
Oh sorry to hear you do not have a PayPal account it is easy to set up just log on to www.paypal.com and open an account and let me know once you are through. When you are done with the registration send me the email used for the registration with PayPal so i can pay in.
Await your response..
Thanks !!
Die Telefonnummer +1 209 989 3193
meldet sich per SMS auf eine ebay Kleinanzeige: Haben sie Ihre badezimmer noch zum Verkauf... kannst du mir eine E-Mail schicken
[email protected]
Nach kurzem hin- und her per E-Mail auf Englisch kam folgendes:
Thanks for your response. I'm satisfied with the condition and Agree with the price, I need to let you know that my shipping agent will be coming for the pick up as soon as the payment has been completed and approved by PayPal and the shipping agent will be the ones to help me handle all other necessary details to complete the deal when they get to your home address for the pick up. . So i'll be buying it without seeing it, i'll arrange the pick-up of it with a Private Courier Service as soon as you get your payment and if you don't have a account with paypal, its pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on to www.paypal.com I need you to provide the following details so that i can proceed with the Payment...
Your PayPal e-Mail Address :
Your Full Name:
Your Mobile Number
Full Address:
Soon as i make the payment and you get the funds, the Courier Service will come for the pick up at your home at your convenient time.
Have a nice day.
Hi, may i ask where you live and/or what is the destination of these items

Oh sorry to hear you do not have a PayPal account it is easy to set up just log on to www.paypal.com and open an account and let me know once you are through. When you are done with the registration send me the email used for the registration with PayPal so i can pay in.
Await your response..
Thanks !!