Where is Downadup?


Downadup infections appear to have peaked during the week.

As time passes, the number of estimated Downadup infections becomes more problematic to calculate as we are monitoring a varying number of domains. Re-infections may also be inflating the count. In any case, today seems better than the day before and we think that growth of Downadup has been curbed. Disinfection of the worm remains a challenge.

So let's look at Thursday's IP count, where are the infected computers?

Our sinkhole logged just over one million unique IP addresses yesterday. This is compared to 350,000 last Friday. Remember, there may be any number of computers sitting behind a single IP address.

China, Russia, and Brazil have the highest IP count. Combined, they account for nearly 41 percent of the total.

Only a bit over 1 percent came from the United States…

Here's the breakdown by country:

<font face="Arial">Number of IPsRegistered Country of the IP1388Sweden1394Peru1555Yemen1669Canada1723Hong Kong1803Czech Republic1906Sri Lanka2178Croatia2179Austria2249Moldova2486Lithuania2839Ecuador2971Slovakia3127Bosnia and Herzegovina3269Jordan3451Vietnam4310Portugal4423Saudi Arabia4666Spain4895Japan5572Iran5763Republic of Macedonia6758Poland6822Hungary6900Bulgaria7857United Kingdom7973Pakistan8088France8328Turkey10249Venezuela10527Mexico10683.EU11779United States (1.17%)12629Kazakhstan14785Colombia15697Germany16154Taiwan16924Philippines17285Malaysia17312Thailand17322Chile21263Indonesia36070Argentina39156Romania39712Italy39731South Korea63939Ukraine64035India120197Brazil (11.9%)139934Russia (13.9%)152016China (15.1%)1005941 On 23/01/09 At 05:34 PM
