Video - SMS Exploit Effects


Our post from yesterday mentioned a video demonstration coming soon.

It's online now and you can find it from our YouTube Channel.

The video highlights the symptoms experienced on exploited phones; it doesn't show how to perform the attack. The attacking phone has been kept off screen. (It isn't difficult to find the CCC video at this point.)

The "Curse of Silence" was disclosed to several telecommunications operators about seven weeks ago and we were brought into the loop a few weeks later. The timing has been a real pain in the neck for those of us in the lab. We'd rather be researching something else or enjoying a relaxed holiday than dealing with a detection for an exploit that will mostly likely be used by jealous boyfriends.

Still, it will be used to harass people and so support personnel should know what to look for. On 31/12/08 At 12:09 PM
