Stickers 2008


It's about time for some new Laptop Stickers! What are we referring to? Free stickers from the Security Labs, that's what.

This is the set from March 2006.


And this is the set from January 2007.


The lab hasn't really had any in stock for some time now… and they're still often requested. Therefore, we're going to print some up in preparation for Hack In The Box Security Conference 2008 — Malaysia.

Now — we want your suggestions for 2008's stickers, and we don't have very much time.

So make your suggestion HERE and we'll enter you into a drawing. Those selected will receive a free sheet.

If there's time, we'll do a poll on Friday and over the weekend. Past suggestions can be read here, here, here, and here.

Cheers! On 08/10/08 At 05:19 PM
