Somebody doesn't like us in Denmark


This morning we saw several spam runs in the country of Denmark. The messages are in Danish and they are sent to Danish email addresses.

The email claims to be from us. It's not.

Here's what the email looks like:

From: [email protected]
Date: 26. August 2008 08:31
Subject: Data er tillagt og sendt med denne meddelelse.

Käre kunder!


Data er tillagt og sendt med denne meddelelse.

Jeg bruger gratis F-secure antispamversion, som allerede har fjernet 338 spambreve.

Antispam er helt gratis for private brugere.

Attachment: f-secure.rar

The attachment contains a file called update26.08.2008.exe, which, when run, drops a file called dcbcg.exe connects to a server in Ukraine.

We detect this trojan as Trojan:W32/Agent.FVO.

Watch out and pass the word. On 26/08/08 At 09:44 AM
