[FSec] TED


I remember discovering TED.COM in late 2006. Since then, I've watched or listened hundreds of TED Talks, each of which lasts only 18 minutes. My favourite ones include Stephen Wolfram's Computing Theory of Everything and Ric Elias' 3 things I learned when my plane crashed.

So, in 2009 I attended TED in Long Beach, California. Attending a TED conference isn't straightforward: you need to apply and have two people recommend you. Sitting in the same audience with people like Al Gore, Bill Gates and Paul Simon blew me away. I wanted to do a TED Talk myself.

I've always been lucky. So earlier this year I was invited to speak at TEDGlobal 2011.


Photo: Robert Leslie / TED

TEDGlobal 2011 has been a blast. I did my talk yesterday to a crowd more intensive than I've ever seen. It went well.


Photo: James Duncan Davidson / TED

I believe it's the only TED Talk I've seen that used an overhead projector and transparencies, as commented here by comedian Robin Ince:

I'll let you know when the video is posted to TED.COM.

Thanks to everybody who helped me pull my talk together, especially Misha Glenny, Petteri Kankkunen, Juuso Koponen and Jani Kenttälä!

On 14/07/11 At 09:19 AM
