[FSec] TED talks for Geeks


TED Talks have reached a major milestone: their videos have now been viewed more than One Billion times. That's a lot. There's around 1000 talks, so that's an average of million views per talk. Which checks out, as my own TED Talk from 2011 has passed million views combined on ted.com, Youtube and Netflix.

As part of the celebrations, TED created a new service: TED Playlists. Everybody can now create a playlist of their favourite talks. And to launch the service, they asked some friends of TED to curate their own favourite playlists.

The good folks at TED were kind enough to ask me to do one, together with the likes of Bill Gates, Bono, Barbara Streisand, Peter Gabriel and Ben Affleck.

So, my playlist is available here. It's mostly talks by geeks, for geeks...but there's also one talk about fish.

Thanks TED.

Signing off,
On 15/11/12 At 08:36 AM
