[FSec] LulzSec sentencing in UK



LulzSec - the rockband of hacker groups - had three of their six members sentenced today in London.

LulzSec made headlines during their "50 days of Lulz" in May-June 2011, during which they attacked Fox, PBS, Sony, Nintendo, Sega, Minecraft, Infragard, NHS, US Senate, SOCA and CIA. They also recorded and published a conference call between US and European law enforcement officials, discussing police tactics against LulzSec.

LulzSec was different from most other attackers, as they weren't doing their attacks to make money or to protest. They did it for Teh Lulz. Also, they had no sense of self-preservation, which led to taking them down.

LulzSec had 6 core members:

  • The first three were sentenced today.
    • Jake Davis was jailed for two years. He will serve one year in a young offenders institute
    • Mustafa Al-Bassam got a 20 month sentence suspended for two years and 300 hours of community work.
    • Ryan Ackroyd got a 30 month custodial sentence. He will serve half.

  • A botnet master associated with Lulzsec was sentenced at the same time: Ryan Cleary (aka Viral). He was jailed for 32 months, of which he will serve half.

    Sabu was arrested in June 2011. He pleaded guilty and has been working with FBI since. He's yet to be sentenced.

    Darren Martyn was indicted in March 2012. He's yet to be sentenced.

    So, five of the LulzSec six has been caught. The remaining mystery is the 6th member: Avunit.

    Who was Avunit? How come none of the other members have given him up?

    We have no idea who Avunit is. We have no identity. We don't even know which continent he is from.

    PS. Obligatory nyan.cat.

    On 16/05/13 At 01:32 PM
