[FSec] Fix it: Internet Explorer 8 Vulnerability


As mentioned in our previous post, there's an Internet Explorer (zero-day) remote code execution vulnerability being exploited in the wild which affects IE 8, as well as IE 6 & 7. Those versions of IE account for about one third of all desktop browser market share.

Current exploitation is limited but it's quite likely a reliable exploit will soon find its way into crimeware exploit kits.


Microsoft Security Advisory (2794220)

IE 9 & 10 are not vulnerable — which is of small comfort to users of Windows XP as IE 9 & 10 are not supported.

For consumers with XP, we recommend installing an additional browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

For corporate folks (still) required to use XP with IE 8: Microsoft has a Fix it tool available.


You'll find more details at Microsoft's Security Research & Defense blog: Microsoft "Fix it" available for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8.

It's not yet clear if this vulnerability will be patched on January 8th during Microsoft's scheduled update cycle.

On 02/01/13 At 11:12 AM
