[FSec] Cryptome hacked


Cryptome.org is a website that has focused on publishing information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance. In many ways, Cryptome is similar to Wikileaks - except it has been operating since 1996. The site is run by a New York -based architect called John Young.


Cryptome has just announced it has been hacked. The hack planted an attack script on every page of Cryptome. This script used the infamous Blackhole toolkit to gain access to vulnerable computers that visited www.cryptome.org.

The attacker is not known. Neither is the mechanism that was used to breach Cryptome.

Updated to add: Modified the post to say that the attack script specifically avoids targeting IP addresses from Google to prevent Google search engine from blacklisting the site. Originally this post speculated that the script worked the other way around, and that the attack was targeting Google. It wasn't. Sorry for the confusion.
On 13/02/12 At 01:58 PM
