[FSec] Big Hangover


The Mac spyware discovered at the Oslo Freedom Forum last week is apparently connected to larger espionage efforts — and those efforts look to be connected to India.

Yesterday, the folks from Norman released their Hangover Report.

HANGOVER REPORT (tot.114pg): Indian APT group hacked Telenor, others; related to the MacOS trojans found at OFF blogs.norman.com/2013/security-…

— Snorre Fagerland (@SnorreFagerland) May 20, 2013

Snorre Fagerland has confirmed a connection to the C&Cs used by Backdoor:OSX/KitM.A.

Also related, from the folks at ESET: Targeted information stealing attacks in South Asia use email, signed binaries

Apple has reportedly revoked the Developer ID used by KitM.A.
On 21/05/13 At 01:35 PM
