USA: Klage gegen Google wegen irreführender Links


MediaPost Publications - For Whom The Ringtone Tolls: Google Sued For Tricking Searchers - 06/05/2008

The lawsuit, filed by New Jersey resident Jenna Goddard, alleges that Google accepts deceptive ads for ringtones in violation of its stated policy of only allowing ads for mobile content if the landing page "clearly and accurately displays price, subscription, and cancellation information."
Goddard contends that Google "intentionally misleads its users" by failing to enforce that policy. "Google has systematically declined to live up to its contractual obligations ... opting instead to line its own pockets through an 'anything goes' approach to the advertising and sale of mobile content," the lawsuit charges.
A Google spokesperson said the company intends to "defend vigorously against these claims." The lawsuit, quietly filed in California state court several weeks ago, was moved to federal court last week.

via T/S

ach ja google... kassieren ohne Verantwortung ist wie aus Scheiße Geld machen...