In hab mit ihm gemailt und dankend abstand genommen
For the moment I accept payment only in cash through wire transfer because i need the money urgently and other methods,like escrow or paypal or cod, take too long!
I want to take this opportunity to assure you that this deal is as legitimate as it could possible be. I am a very serious seller with a feedback rating of 89 with 100 % positive feedback reviews and I am a member since Feb-2000.
If you want to complete this transaction, please email me your full name and address. The shipping will be made through UPS fully insured.You will have the package in 48 hours.If any damages apear on the road, you will get your money back or the same product brand new.

ayment will be done through Western Union.

lease visit to find the nearest Western Union office, or just go to your local postal office and you'll probably find an Western Union office there.
3.RAPIDITY:With Western Union, your money is transferred immediately, and usually arrives at the receiving end in 10 minutes while other services can take days or weeks. There are no complicated procedures and you don't need a bank account or credit card.
4.PROCEDURE:To send the money bring some identification and fill in a short, simple form. Pay for the amount of money you want to send, plus the Western Union service fee. You will be given a MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number).
5.MTCN:After you make the wire transfer just mail me the MTCN to allow me to check the payment on-line.
6.DELIVERY:As soon as the payment verifies your package will be shipped and you will get your tracking number to be able to track it for yourself.
7.DETAILS:Here are my details that you need for the money transfer:
Name:Elliott Cordell
Address: Biltsstraat 36,
Zip: 3572 AC
City: Utrecht
Country: Holland
I look forward to complete this deal successfully and hopefully more in the future.
All the best
[email protected] wrote:
thx 4 Info.
I am a little bit concerned about the payment details. do u accept the ebay escrow service ?