UK/IRL Freiwillige Selbstregulierung am Ende?


Positive Entwicklung in Irland:
Press releases » Media centre » The Labour Party

Labour Dublin North East T.D. Tommy Broughan has welcomed news from Communications Minister Eamon Ryan that he is to end the self-regulation of the premium rate phone services and mobile phone content sector. Minister Ryan has informed Deputy Broughan that he is to "transfer the function of the regulation of the content and promotion of premium rate services to the Commission for Communication - ComReg."
"I have urged Minister Ryan and his predecessors many times to end the ludicrous situation where ComReg issues the telephone number ranges for premium rate calls but has no power to regulate the content, promotion or pricing information of these premium rate services. The current regulator, RegTel, did bring forward some valuable initiatives. But as a self-regulatory body it had a limited mandate and powers. Given the scope within this sector for unscrupulous operators to exploit young and other vulnerable people, there was a clear need to greatly strengthen its regulation.
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