System Administrator Appreciation Day


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AW: System Administrator Appreciation Day

Oh, der Admin hat nicht geantwortet:


You nominated a sysadmin for Sysadmin of the Year 2006. Unfortunately, they haven't completed the nomination to be officially entered yet. There's less then a week left for them to complete their nomination. The Sysadmin of the Year contest ends October 31, 2006. Winner will be notified in early November and announced in early December. The sysadmin you nominated has a chance to win an Apple MacBook, a trip to LISA (Large Installation System Administrator Conference) in Washington DC, a Splunk Professional server license and more.

If your sysadmin is one of the first 2500 people to complete the nomination, they'll receive a free ThinkGeek Tshirt.

Here is the nomination page you created for your sysadmin:

We sent them an email about this nomination, but they didn't respond. You may want to pass the URL on to them, and tell them that time is running out.

If you have any questions regarding the contest, feel free to email me.

Thank you.

To nominate another sysadmin who deserves this honor (or someone who wants a free tshirt) go:

Vice President, Splunk, Inc
AW: System Administrator Appreciation Day

wieder ist es soweit :wink:
Lobet den Admin, den mächtigen König des Netzwerks
July 27th, 2007 (Last Friday Of July)
8th Annual
System Administrator Appreciation Day
General Gift Ideas

* Parties, munchies, refreshments and entertainment
* Cake and Ice Cream party (balloons optional)
* Punch and Pie party (with South Park, User Friendly, or even Manga theme decorations)
* Cookies | Brownies. Preferably home-baked, and did I say chocolate?
* Specialty Food Basket | Gourmet Chocolates | Fruit Basket
* Energy beverages to keep them going as they work on your problems:
* Case of Bawls | Monster
* Case of Iced Mocha Cappuccino | Frappuccino
* Case of Mountain Dew | Dr. Pepper
* Bottle (or even a case) of their favorite beer or wine
* Tickets (qty 4) to Baseball | Hockey | Basketball

Entertainment items for office or home

o HD-DVD or Blu-ray Video Player
o Home Theater System | All-in-one Office System
o XM Radio or Sirius Radio
o MP3 / Video Player (Apple Video ipod | ARCHOS)
o Sony PSP PlayStation Portable
o Sony PS3 Game Console
o Microsoft XBOX Elite Game Console
o Apple iPhone 8GB Cell Phone
o Large screen Plasma TV (42" or larger)
o Auto/Handheld GPS Unit


o White LED lights - such as the LED lantern
o Green Laser pointer
o Fantazein Clock - persistence of vision desk clock
o Radio-Controlled Car | Truck | Boat (electric preferred - don't forget battery charger)
o Nerf Weapons
o Swingline "The Red Stapler"
o Digital Camera, 8 Mega-Pixel or greater

Gift Certificates
o ThinkGeek - the best in weird, fun, new stuff
o - books, music, film, toys
o - more gift ideas than you can imagine!
o Best Buy - great deals on elctronics, video games and more
o - Geek and computer-related discounts, new stuff, refurbs, overstocks, and more!
o - the hottest peppers, sauces and chilis from the hottest girl around!
o Archie McPhee - Archie McPhee & Company - Purveyors of Popular Culture

Der Kreativität bei den Dankesbekundungen sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Wer seine Admins für ihre Arbeit im vergangenen Jahr würdigen möchte, wird sicher einen angemessenen Ausdruck seiner Dankbarkeit finden.

… lasset den Lobgesang hören.
AW: System Administrator Appreciation Day

heise online - "Danke! Gute Arbeit."
Angesicht der bereits zu Gewohnheit gewordenen Geschenke an diesem Tag hatte Heise Netze in der vergangenen Woche dazu aufgerufen, Vorschläge für ein Sysadmin-Denkmal einzusenden. Wikipedia vermeldet in besten Amtsdeutsch zum Stichwort Denkmal, dass es sich dabei um ein Objekt handele, "dem im Rahmen der Erinnerungskultur ein besonderer Wert zugesprochen wird. Es steht für ein Ereignis, eine Person oder einen Zustand der Vergangenheit."