Neuer Ärger für die Liechtensteiner

ICSTIS schrieb:
DDD Com AG disputed that their dialler software had made any changes to complainants' computers and provided, what they stated, was a copy of their current dialler software to enable the Secretariat to monitor their service.

They disputed that call costs had not been provided prior to connection and claimed that the service had operated on a walled garden basis. They added that the software that they had supplied to the Secretariat would support this statement.

The requested information was supplied.

The Secretariat monitored the dialler software submitted by the service provider and, although it appeared to comply with the requirements of the Code of Practice, it seemed that it was not the same as that which had been used at the time of the complaints.
ICSTIS schrieb:

The Committee upheld breaches of paragraphs 6.5.2a and b, 6.5.1, 4.3.1b and 4.13 of the tenth edition of the ICSTIS Code of Practice. A breach of paragraph 7.2.3 was not upheld.

DDD Com AG were fined £60,000 and access to the service was barred for two years. They were also ordered to offer full refunds to all complainants.


weitere Infos zu den aktuellen Maßnahmen der ICSTIS u.a.
Nachtrag zu "SJB" siehe Anhang, leider nur ein Digitalkamerafoto, da mein PC komplett einfriert, wenn ich auf "abbrechen" klicke...
0013456152023 wollte er wählen, der Dialer des users "marcos"...


  • seksdialer_sjb20041114.jpg
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Aka-Aka schrieb:
Also dem Anwalt, der für die mit der RegTP verhandelt hat und es geschafft hat, dass sie selbst die Regstrierung zurück ziehen...
Der Vollständigkeit wegen - mit der RegTP verhandelten die Newliner und ihre Kunden selbst. Für alles weitere Ungemach werden sie von niemand geringerem als dem bekannten Rechtsanwalt, Dr. M. B. vertreten.