ITV plc fined £5,675,000


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this concerns the phone-in scandals over the previous four years
Ofcom fines ITV plc for misconduct in viewer competitions and voting

Ofcom has informed ITV plc this morning that it is imposing a fine totalling £5,675,000 for some of the most serious breaches of Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code concerning the abuse of premium rate services (PRS) in its programming(-1-).

The fine, which is by far the highest imposed by Ofcom or any of the previous regulators, reflects not only the seriousness of ITV’s failures but also their repeated nature. The previous highest fine imposed by Ofcom was £2 million on GMTV in September 2007.

Separately, ITV plc has pledged an additional £7.8 million for viewer compensation and to charity. This fact was taken into account by Ofcom in reaching its decision on the level of the fines.

Ofcom's investigation considered information voluntarily supplied by ITV plc from its review by auditors Deloitte and also material obtained by Ofcom during its own investigations.
it should also be noted that GMTV apparently failed to refund their viewers
AW: ITV plc fined £5,675,000

weil in Deutschland "grüne Gnome" Prügel von Anwälten der Call-In-Betreiber kriegen, aber nicht Call-In-Betreiber Prügel von der Landesmedienanstalt
(zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde)

(coz in Germany "green gnomes" [phone-in-critics] get slapped in the face by the lawyers of the companies running phone-ins, but not the companies by the 'Landesmedienanstalt' [the relevant 'watchdog']),1518,490716,00.html
AW: ITV plc fined £5,675,000

Guten Tag Aka el al

two pieces of news from many in the UK
11 5 2008
Whistleblower reveals £8m ITV scam

AN outraged TV producer today lifts the lid on the dirty tactics used to fix big-money quiz games.

Bob Winsor, who worked on ITV's Big Game TV!, has been vilified by former colleagues after revealing he was ordered to fix shows to avoid big payouts.

He claimed producers on the phone-in show:

Changed winning answers.

Ignored incoming calls from viewers.

Urgedknown quiz addicts to call in by name.

And lied to callers after prizes had already been allocated.

Bob, 44, says the s5.7million fine handed to ITV by Ofcom last week will not stop TV companies ripping off viewers.

He said: "This Ofcom ruling is a disgrace, when you put the fine in perspective it is a paltry sum. ITV will have made s5.7million through quiz TV in a matter of weeks but these shows were on for years.

"They have scammed millions of pounds and they are only being fined a fraction.
May 11 2008
BBC withheld phone in cash from charities

The BBC withheld £106,000 in proceeds from premium rate phone features in its shows which should have gone to charity, an independent investigation has revealed.

Audiocall, the division of BBC Worldwide responsible for PRS, operated a policy of keeping money from calls made after phone lines had officially closed, even when the proceeds from the phone-in were meant to go to charity.
AW: ITV plc fined £5,675,000

soweit ich weiß, behandeln deutsche Medien dieses Thema derzeit nicht
Saban is interested in ITV - that's the only thing you can find in German news

(Saban interessiert sich für ITV, das ist das einizige, was man in deutschen Medien [dazu] findet)

Vielleicht macht sich der dunkle Fleck auf der ITV-Weste nicht so gut in deutschen Börsennews???