ICSTIS reduziert 50000-Pfund-Strafe für Telecom One


In its capacity as the company responsible for compliance with the ICSTIS Code of Practice, Telecom One Ltd was fined £50,000, issued with a formal reprimand and access to the service was barred until it could be shown to comply with the ICSTIS Code of Practice. In addition, they were ordered to offer full refunds to all complainants.
Telecom One Ltd requested a review of the adjudication and this request was granted. Following the receipt of further information, the fine imposed in this case was reduced to £10,000 but the breaches remained upheld and the formal reprimand remained in place. As the service now complied with the ICSTIS Code of Practice, the bar on access was removed.
Es ging um einen Fall unter Beteiligung von "EF1",
(B*A*, Quartel Limited, "The Geneva Place", Tortola)

Quartel Ltd were fined £75,000 and access to the service was barred for two years. All complainants were referred to the company’s UK agent, Smile Telecom, to obtain a refund.
Die Beschreibung des "Dienstes" könnte in Düsseldorf bei einigen Staatsanwälten Interesse finden:
Members of the public complained about receiving unsolicited voicemail and text messages that informed them that they had won either £1,000 cash or a £2,000 prize and invited them to call a premium rate number in order to make a claim.

"450000 Pfund Strafe für SMS-Spammer"

Wie weit ist denn die deutsche Aufarbeitung dieses Themas fortgeschritten?

[lustig fast... die neuen Inhaber der beanstandeten Seite verwenden in ihrem Whois-Eintrag wieder 'mal die Telefonnummer des "registered agent" auf Tortola, der auf Anfragen zu den Firmen leider nicht reagiert... Dort wird eine weitere URL der Firma erwähnt, die - ins deutsche übersetzt - "freies Gesindel" [freemob] heisst. Britischer Humor?]