ICSTIS: 80000 Pfund Strafe in re Gewinnankündigung


The promotions suggested that the recipient had won a sum of money and invited recipients to call the number to claim. Complainants stated that they had received more than one call from the service and often in the space of a few minutes.
The Panel decided that the following sanctions should be imposed:
  • Formal reprimand (as per original sanction)
  • Fine of £80,000 (as per original sanction)
  • The service provider is to submit all current and future competition services (within the meaning of Code paragraph 7.6.1) to ICSTIS for prior permission for a period of 12 months. For the avoidance of doubt the service provider is not allowed to operate any competition service during this period unless permission has been granted by ICSTIS.
Im verlinkten pdf wird auch der durchaus bekannte österreichische Name Fr* M* richtig geschrieben.
Ist offenbar ein in Deutschland schon klange bekannter Fall

Die Strafe wurde gegen den Provider "Automaticall" aus Fankreich ausgesprochen (für mich nicht identifizierbar). Zum Netzbetreiber PNC gehört die frühere "Telecom One", bei der einst der Hamburger Dänendialerpate MSP in der Geschäftsführung war.