Hausdurchsuchung beim 'Spam-King'

(leider Englisch)
Internet spammer can't take what he dishes out
"They've signed me up for every advertising campaign and mailing list there is," he told me. "These people are out of their minds. They're harassing me." That they are. Gleefully. Almost 300 anti-R* posts were made on the Web site, where the plan was hatched after spam haters posted his address, even an aerial view of his neighborhood.
"Several tons of snail mail spam every day might just annoy him as much as his spam annoys me," wrote one of the anti-spammers.
"I'll never quit," said the 57-year-old master of spam. "I like what I do. This is the greatest business in the world."
"It's a perfectly legal business that has allowed anybody to compete with the Fortune 500 companies."

ahja, deutscher Link:
the honourable DocS schrieb:
Die Strategie, Spammern den Müll ihrer Kollegen zu fressen zu geben, scheint aufzugehen. A*R* kommt jedenfalls der Spam seiner Kollegen zu den Ohren raus (...) Friss, Spammer, friss
the honourable F* schrieb:
Wir kriegen euch alle!

Darauf einen Scotch -

und den nächsten Hierfür
37 Mio $ Zivilstrafe für Spammerkönig Leo K* (oder hab ich das überlesen?)
Attorney General Tom Reilly Shuts down Spam King Leo K*
das war der Anfang:

Ein Vorbild für internationale Kooperation (hierauf den dritten)