Man denkt ja auch oft an "Russen". Dem ist diese interessante Statistik entgegen zu setzen
Canada saw an especially dramatic three-fold increase in phishing sites over the past 12 months, Websense said, and now hosts five to 10 per cent of the world's phishing sites. That puts it in second place behind the U.S., which hosts 55 to 60 per cent, and slightly ahead of the U.K. and Germany, which host three to five per cent each.
Man denkt ja auch oft an "Russen". Dem ist diese interessante Statistik entgegen zu setzen
Top 10 Countries that host cyber crime, 2011 Jan-May
1. US
2. France
3. Russia
4. Germany
5. China
6. Canada
7. Netherlands
8. South Korea
9. Romania
10. UK