Ältere sind gefährdeter für Betrügereien


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Both age groups were actually equal in rating the pictures that were neutral or trustworthy. But there was a wide disparity between both age groups when it came to the pictures of people with untrustworthy expressions. Older adults were significantly more likely to say that the person in the picture was trustworthy when, in fact, they had an untrustworthy expression.
Ältere können auf Bildern schlechter erkennen, wenn jemand nicht vertrauenserweckend schaut.
So now Taylor had proof of the problem but still didn't know why.
So a small follow-up study was conducted that used Magnetic Resonance Imaging to study the brains of people in both age groups as they looked at pictures. What Taylor found was evidence that there is less brain activity in older people in the area of the brain responsible for assessing risk. Now we know the answer to "why".
Ältere zeigten geringere Hirnaktivität in den Hirnbereichen, die für die Erkennung von Risiken zuständig sind.

Ob das aussagekräftig ist, kann ich nicht sagen.