[UK] Cold-Call-Mafia ignoriert Gesetze und Regulierer


Cold-Calls: Einblicke in Cold-Call-Firmen mit versteckter Kamera
Daraufhin haben sich die Behörden eifrig mit den üblichen Sprechblasen gemeldet "Jaja, wir tun was, jaja, wir sind dran, jaja, wir werden dies und jenes in Zukunft unternehmen".
British Wattestäbchens eben...

wie bei uns.

The scheme is run for the government regulator by the Direct Marketing Association. The association's spokesman said it had seen a dramatic increase in complaints from members of the public unhappy about being cold-called by telemarketing firms.
Mike Lordan from the association said some firms simply chose to ignore the rules.

und wie kann das sein? Wieso können Firmen massiv und notorisch das bestehende Recht ignorieren? Was tut die zuständige Behörde in UK eigentlich?
Das hat "mike99" sich vor einem Jahr auch gefragt - und entsprechend nachgehakt.

mike99 schrieb:
Please could you inform me exactly (since the ICO was formed) how many criminal prosecutions, cautions, enforcement notices, monetary penalty notices, injunctions, or enforcement orders* have been successfully sought or applied by the ICO against UK firms that, in violation of the relevant law, repeatedly call numbers that have been registered with the TPS.
I can confirm that the ICO has not prosecuted any organisation for failing to comply with an enforcement notice relating to unsolicited live telephone calls, nor has it issued any cautions, monetary penalty notices, injunctions or enforcement orders for the same reason.
In seiner unnachahmlichen Art antwortete Mike99
Armed with this information I decided to put in a FOI request to the ICO and discovered that, since the ICO began regulating in this area, exactly zero firms have been prosecuted or subjected to finacial penalties or cautioned or penalized in any meaningful way. I suggest that this fact entirely explains the problems I describe above.
So to come to the subject of my complaint: This is not about any specific case, it is about the ICO's manifest failure to regulate cold calling and punish firms that ignore TPS registration.
If your complaints department is not able to deal with general complaints of this nature, please advise me to whom I should redirect my complaint.
und bekam als Antwort:
we appreciate your frustration

Die Situation fasste Mike99 treffend zusammen:
So there you have it. Cold calling people who are registered with the TPS is (like phone hacking) illegal, but no action is ever taken against firms who break that law - though it might one day if one of them causes "substantial damage or substantial distress".
This is rather like saying: "it's illegal to drive at 100mph in a 30mph limit, but we'll only actually fine you if you knock someone down".

Hats off, Dr Mike!!!