Mehr als fünf Jahre Haft für amerikanische Porno-Spam-Versender

AW: Mehr als fünf Jahre Haft für amerikanische Porno-Spam-Versender (2005)

Komisch: Die haben doch angeblich kassiert für die Anmeldungen der Spamopfer -aber nirgends finde ich einen Hinweis auf eine Mail von denen, wo überhaupt ein PP beworben worden wäre.

According to the indictment, the spam e-mails were sent in a manner that would impair
the ability of recipients, Internet service providers processing the e-mails on behalf of recipients,
and law enforcement agencies to identify, locate, or respond to the senders. This deception was
accomplished in a number of ways, including the following: sending the spam e-mails from
Internet Protocol addresses registered in the Netherlands and domain names registered in
Mauritius; falsifying the “From:” line in the e-mails; installing the computers sending the e-mails
and related equipment in the Netherlands; and remotely controlling these computers from the
United States. The indictment further alleges that K* and S* also created and utilized
overseas companies named The Compliance Company and Ganymede Marketing to conceal and
disguise their activities. According to the indictment, K* and S* also utilized
overseas bank accounts in Mauritius and the Isle of Man for the purpose of laundering and
distributing the proceeds of the spamming operation.
If convicted, K* and S* each face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison
on the money laundering charge
, and five years in prison on the obscenity charges. All three
defendants also face a maximum sentence of five years in prison on each of the spamming and
criminal conspiracy charges. Schaffer also faces a maximum sentence of two years in prison on
the improper pornographic recordkeeping charge. The government is also seeking the forfeiture
of proceeds allegedly obtained during the commission of these offenses.

Puh, da könnte man aber gegen einige Leute vorgehen...

Noch mehr Details:
(lesenswert! wenn man sich das durchliest, könnte man als Chaostheoretiker vor Neid erblassen! Was die US-Behörden da alles recherchiert haben und wie viel Chaostheorie die da gerichtsfest gemacht haben *seufz*)

Hier über den AOL-Chefinvestigator Mr Z*
As part of his investigation, Zeller did a “Who Is” lookup on some of the domain
names. (As Richard Kaplan testified, a “Who Is” lookup can be performed on the Internet
at no charge and will identify the registrant of domain names.) The lookup results stated that
the domain names were registered by Ganymede, a company based in Mauritius. HarryPlimpton was shown as the Ganymede contact person. Zeller tried to contact Plimpton at the
phone number shown, but the phone number did not work. He did a Google search for Harry
Plimpton and Ganymede, but could not locate them.
Zeller concluded from his investigation that header information in the emails was
false. He noted that the “from” address and return path addresses typically were not the
same. The registrant information was not accurate; he could not find Harry Plimpton. Nor
could he locate in Amsterdam. Despite his training and investigation, Zeller was
never able to determine who sent the emails. Ultimately, Zeller turned his research over to
the Government for further investigation.

Hier Original-Spam-Meldungen aus 2004[email protected]>

wer sich für so etwas interessiert: Die Adresse der Spamfirma war

Suite 320
3rd Floor Barkly Wharf
Le Caudan Waterfront
Port Louis

Das muß ein nettes Gebäude sein - im zweiten Stock residiert eine Firma, die einige von uns besser kennen, als sie denken: Sie haben gewonnen!