[US] Klingeltonabos: Gericht in Chicago fordert bis zu 63,000,000 US$ Entschädigung


via Reuters
Each approved claimant will have the option to receive either a cash award or a refund of $10, out of a total settlement fund capped at as much as $63 million, according to court documents.
The defendants contributing to the settlement include Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., Sony Pictures subsidiary 2WayTraffic Mobile USA Inc, MBlox Inc, CellCo Partnership, Emexus Americas Inc, Dada USA Inc, Dada Mobile Inc, Dada Entertainment LLC, Lavalife LLC, Mobile Entertainment Inc, Playphone Inc, SendMe Inc, SJA Mobile LLC, Dada S.p.A subsidiary UPOC Networks, UPOC Inc, and W31 Mobile LLC.
Die Anwälte kassieren für den Erfolg bis zu 11 MILLIONEN US$