Gnome-Bug lotste auf Consul-Info-Startseite?



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forumsposter schrieb:
Whilst playing with Gnome2 I dragged the desktop Icon onto the top menu bar, I left it as I don't really use it that much, so whilst adventuring about my new playground (so to speak) I decided to click on the start-here on the desktop just to see if it worked, lo and behold it does, it displays exactually the way It should do,
Now heres the weird bit, when I click on the 'start-here' icon that I
dragged to the menu bar, instead of displaying what it should, it for
some strange reason tries to run Mozilla and open the following web page
http://www.start-he**.com/ [lotst heute zur Securex-Startseite]
(Seriously, please don't click on the link if you are easily offended by!) Yup I'm being serious and no I havn't visited this porn site at all prior to this. I can see what is happening, I presume its trying to convert the name 'start-here' to a valid link and open this page.
Its kinda amusing, and works as it should on the standard 7.4 gnome-1.4
desktop. I presume that this is really only relevant to RH 7.3, but I was
wondering if anyone else has been having this problem and should I
report this as a bug to gnome?. Amusingly Mark
Diese Seite gibt es, wie gesagt - war mal Startseite einer Firma aus Ohio und ging dann relativ übergangslos in Besitz der panamaischen Briefkastenfirma des Pulheimer "cico". Das war alles "vor securex da"... Halt in den Zeiten, wo es "noch viel schöner (war)" mit den Dialern... Man ging halt damals mit den Seiten ins Ausland - Jugendschutz? Den "gibt es dann halt nicht". Wir haben verstanden...
Zum Zeitpunkt des postings des verblüfften gnome-users von oben existierten auf der Seite die üblichen links, zu den Ibizamädchen (der e-tainment?), zu MK's prager und pusta-Mädels, zu den blauen Elefanten, halt alles, was "dsxpro" so zu bieten hatte ;)
