comwreck - Blog der irischen regTP


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Dear Irish Fund manager,
Here's one other reason why to invest in Eircom:
Our ingeniously profitable and "clean" co-operation with porn racketeers.

We have successfully by-passed the Premium numbers (15XX range with prices up to 190c/minute, but bloody efficient consumer protection and damned effective regulation by RegTel).
We have set up a front for this racketeering by introduction of our Band 13, which looks on the surface like the numbers of a few tiny Pacific Islands (we even had the cheek to include the profitable African Guinea Bissau). Pricing is a fat 360 cent per minute. The customer cannot get these numbers barred, as he can with the 15XX numbers, and ComReg are too dumb to notice the scam.

Customers clock up nice bills, because the scammers who run these services smuggle a virus-like "dialler program" into their computer, which dials up these Band 13 numbers, without the knowledge of the poor chaps. See on the above counter how much even a single hour clocks up.
And a dedicated group in Eircom collects these fat bills. We tell them "discreetly" they must have availed of "porn" content and have only themselves to blame. This and the threat to cut off their line makes them cough up the money, we even take it in monthly rates, if they are a bit short in cash at the moment.

While other countries have regulation against this, it will take a long time before ComReg will do anything for the Irish consumer. And if they decide to act, it will take many consultation papers and probably be in the form of a harmless consumer advice leaflet.

Talking of ComReg's leaflets brings me on to remind you about our other nice consumer fleecing scam, our Telephone Inquiry service, where ComReg's ineffectiveness is also on our side. With our 11811 we are practically running a Premium Pay number service, elegantly by-passing the consumer protection of the official 15XX Premium numbers.

Ein blog, der mit viel Mühen (und etwas Häme) die Aktivitäten der britischen Regulierungsbehörde begleitet ;)

Nicht zu verwechseln mit der spoof-Seite (lol)

There's one group which really tries hard to get to us - by producing a spoof website to ours. You can view their product here. Sure, it cost them a lot of money, but they came pretty close. We wish them well.
Ich fand ja diesen hier ganz nett:

wenn ich mich klonen könnte, würde aka-B ein deutsches Gegenstück zu der Seite ins Leben rufen ...